Webelos Bridging

The Webelos Bridging ceremony is conducted at a Cub scout meeting. Our Den Chiefs and ASMs formally accept the new Webelos in a symbolic bridging ceremony by introducing our troop to the Cub scout den. A welcome package, a Troop 622 neckerchief, will be passed to the new scouts, symbolizing their transition from cub scouts to boy scouts.

Troop 622 features monthly outings including snow sports, backpacking, aquatics, and camping. We travel around California and Nevada to explore nature, and enhance scouts' wilderness skills.

When you join us, you are expected

To climb tall mountains and look down at the world beneath you.

To stand on top of Mammoth Mountain and blaze a trail down with your snowboard.

To stand firm and hold your own in a snow ball fight.

To stand on a wakeboard and feel the air rushing and water skimming by you.

To hike across the valleys and find their hidden streams and lakes.

Top of Dave's run trail  ... With Bruce's snowboard...